we had a fabulous day at the Flying Bridge! our candy buffet & ice-cream bar were great hits... the weather was wonderful and most importantly, we had fun...
Caleb & Sara at Chapoquoit Beach - the weather was around 60F - not bad for the end of October...
here we are, exiting the church...
it was so fun to run out of the church w/flower petals raining on you

posing in front of Caleb's jeep...
we had a blast at our wedding...
i would like to post a few more fun pictures, especially family pics b/c they were a HUGE part of our wedding, but navigating this blog is a little tricky...
after our wedding, we went to St. Thomas for a wonderfully relaxing and fun honeymoon... we sailed, snorkeled, shopped, went swimming, kayaked, hung out on the beach, toured the islands w/a jeep, enjoyed yummy food and enjoyed each other's company... one of the great parts of a honeymoon is staying in a hotel where you have a "maid" to take care of your room everyday and there are no dirty dishes... when you get home... real life hits... ;)
pictures of our honeymoon will follow when i am willing to spend time to figure out all the little tricks of a blog... (shannon-please help me!)
we came back to a tiny apartment and lots of organzing and moving in to do. 2 months and hundreds of boxes later... we have "arrived". our apartment is not NEARLY as cluttered as when we first moved in and it's now relaxing... :)