

vacation: new hampshire

well, after martha's vineyard and time with my family - we headed back to the north shore, packed our things and headed for the mountains. we took a trip to lincoln, nh. no, not north conway, and not the outlet shopping... we headed on a hiking trip. we packed our backpacks and hiked up to mt. moosilauke. part of the way up the hike we pitched our tent and dropped our gear. we hiked to the top of mt. moosilauke and then back down to our campsite. we feasted on lasagna for dinner and hit the sack. the next morning, caleb tried out his french press and enjoyed a cup of steaming coffee. i had yummy instant oatmeal.
we hiked back down and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. our vacation was almost over...

doing push-ups over a little stream that was rushing down the mountain. refreshing!

caleb, being, well, caleb :)
i swear, he needs to go into professional acting or something...

sporting the headband look

at the top of mt. moosilauke
we put my camera on top of some rocks
and set up the 10 second timed shot...
not bad for a windy day
kinda like the engagement shot


maria said...

I love the picture of you, Sara doing push ups over the water...


maria said...

I love the picture of you, Sara, doing push-ups over the water...
