

What to do when it's 90 degrees out

Sam's new sleeping spot
Wednesday it was 99 degrees.
So hot.
I love warm weather, but it was too hot for me.
After a day working (in my home office with broken A/C) I was ready to cool off.
I took Sam, a friend, and two of Sam's babysitters to the beach.
Crane's Beach.
It was heavenly. We were only there for about an hour, but it was just enough to cool off.
Do we have to leave mom?
Sam was so sad to leave.
And so was I.
An ecstatic Sam
 Yesterday, I was working again.
The fans were on high and it was tolerable - in shorts & a t-shirt.
Hopefully we can fix our A/C OR get a new window unit SOON - so far stores have been sold out due to the heat wave.
On the positive, maybe we're using a little less electricity?
I don't know how people managed w/out air conditioning!
After work, I decided to take Sam to the beach again.
Solo trip.
He was ecstatic.
He met a few little kids.
He ran in the tidal pools.
He ran into the ocean.
He splashed.
He squealed.
He had a snack.
He chased seagulls.
He loved every bit.
And then he sat down.
And cried.
He was tired.
We were there for 2.5 hours.
We got home at 8pm.
It was dinner & bath quick.
Sam was asleep pretty quickly.
I don't mind the heat when I have a fabulous place to cool off.
I am so thankful we live near a beach.
I am thankful I have a beach sticker.
I am thankful said beach is amazing for kids & adults alike.

so tired.
 Happy summer! Glad midsommar and longest day of the year (yesterday)!
Now the days will be shorter.


iPhone reflections

I have an iPhone.
I have a problem.
I referenced it in this post: a little bit of nothing
It started out innocent.
I had a Blackberry Pearl.
I loved my Blackberry.
I wanted nothing to do with the iPhone.
But then I needed it for work.
And I jumped on the iPhone bandwagon in 2009.
3 years.
And I wouldn't go back.
My iPhone is:
  1. My phone
  2. My calendar
  3. My email
  4. My budgeting tool
  5. My camera
  6. My camcorder (what's that?)
  7. My social media connection
  8. My Bible (really? really. Have you heard of #shereadstruth? Check it out. Lots of goodness. Women reading the Bible together. Women coming together all over the world. Women deciding to let go of the negatives and dwell on the positives. I digress.)
  9. My MP3 player
  10. My task list
  11. A link to DropBox
  12. My car mileage keeper (RoadTrip - great for business purposes)
  13. Turn Photo to PDFer for work purposes (TurboScan - turns any photo into a PDF- A-Mazing)
  14. My calculator (if I'm not on my computer)
  15. My GPS (lots of incredible apps for this)
  16. My weather person
  17. My note-keeper
  18. My keyring (holds all those annoying key-chain coupon store card thingies)
  19. My shopping guide (hello Amazon)
  20. My reference center: news, Wikipedia, associated press, etc
  21. My baby tracker (not now, while pregnant silly)
  22. My favorite cookbook
  23. My dictionary & translator
  24. My movie guide & book list
  25. The list goes on... There are so many more things I use it for.
So one day, it broke, at 7:00am.
Tragedy. Serious tragedy.
But I got by.
And by 7:00pm I had a new iPhone.
12 hours people.

You know what happened in those 12 hours?
I stopped calling & texting.
I called from a landline (what's that?)
I checked my email from my computer. (that hardly every happens, except for work purposes)
I used DropBox, my Outlook calendar & task list on my computer.
I didn't check my budget.
I didn't use my camera or camcorder option (Caleb may have used our digital camera).
I stopped checking all forms of social media, except occasionally, mainly for our company (being honest here).
I already read my Bible (before 7:00am peoples).
I used Spotify on my computer.
I didn't take a business drive or fill up with gas.
I stepped outside to check the weather.
I didn't shop (my wallet & husband thanked me).
I didn't cook (we ate at Chick-Fil-A, hubby also thanked me).
There are a lot of things I didn't do.

And you know what?
The world didn't end.
I didn't lose it.

Did I miss my iPhone? Yes.
Did it feel nice to be partially unplugged? Yes.

Sometimes, we need a break.
Maybe my phone breaking was the world's way of saying, "Sara slow down and smell the roses."
And so I will.
When I want to.
(which I'm trying to do more often)
Join me.

And now for a few June pictures
Waffles by Uncle Peter
Sermon notes listening to Pastor Dan
Rollerblade to Chappy
Such a beautiful place - West Falmouth Harbor
Sandwiches during ReMix band practice

Sam wants to be in the band.
Wait for me dad!
Checking out the view in Newburyport
Playing with bubbles at Russell Orchards
Donuts with Dad at Russell's
Röda Vinbär at Russell's

New sleeping habits... apparently his bed isn't big enough.

Bowl full of cherries
An afternoon at Singing Beach
Snack time at Singing Beach


A little bit of nothing...

It's been months since I've last posted.
Part of me loves writing.
I would love to write daily.
About everything and nothing.
But honestly, I'm not at that point in my life right now.
Caleb is in grad school (he's done in September-ish).
I work full-time (70% of the time from home).
I take care of Sam full-time.
Don't ask how I do it all.
I don't.
I do take it one day at a time.
And I'm making the most of being in the moment.
If I'm working all day, the last thing I want to do in the evening is script a blog post... unless of course Sam is sleeping and Caleb is studying, which is the case tonight.
I have a DSLR.
I LOVE to take pictures.
I don't love lugging it around while trying to chase an almost 2 year old.
So I use my wonderful, lovely, amazing, iPhone.
(I have a problem. More on that & being in the moment in another post.)
Anyway, the iPhone takes amazing pictures.
Honestly, not all the pictures are going to be blown up to poster size and hung in Sam's room, the living room, the kitchen, the hallway, our bedroom...
Honestly, in my life today, I'm lucky if I print any pictures.
(Seriously, my desk at work has pictures when Sam was 6 months old, I'm telling you, I take it one day at a time, and let's face it I don't make it to CVS/online photostore/etc to print - but I do make the time to back up my beloved images, seriously that's important!)
So here is a snapshot since my last post (unedited, b/c I'm not willing to take more time to edit).
The below are April and May.
I'll save June for another post...

Sam LOVES animals, especially dogs.
Proof. There is the iPhone. Blue Hills, MA
Getting a ride, Easter Sunday at Blue Hills.
My Precious Grandma. So thankful I'm able to spend time with her!
Chebacco Woods. A favorite place to walk.
Loves the beach!

Seriously. Loves IT! This was APRIL people.
He kept running toward the ocean water... so I carried him away from it.
Blowing bubbles... in the salty sandy water. LOVES it! (to quote a famous person I know-KMC)
Another beach day in April
His reading lesson, or flip through the pages by myself lesson
Daddy's slippers
Dad & Sam at Crane's
Two peas in a pod
Snuggles after being in the *cold* water

Rainy day splash time with mommy
Big Splashes
Smiles & yogurt face